Saturday, December 6, 2008

The expert is the ‘Problem’

I have been reading Mr KRISHNA KUMAR articles for quite some time but this one is no exception. He seldom says government or institutional failure the utter that should be instead of accepting “lesser evil”. 

The real question one should ask is “good vs evil” not lesser evils. See few Paragraphs below:

  • The kind of teacher that the NCF demands needs to be given time and resources to study and reflect on her or his own practice and on the world surrounding the school. 
  • This is the kind of teacher that the new NCF-based syllabus and textbooks require. The new textbooks are based on the premise that children learn from many sources, not just textbooks. It is expected that teachers will share this premise, not merely in principle, but in practice too, in the sense that they will actively look for non-textbook sources of knowledge and also recognize as valid the sources that children might locate out of their own desire to learn. 
  • forces have grabbed the teacher education sector, treating it as a source of money….. 
  • India will have a few million teachers who enjoy being teachers of the young and deserve to be respected by the adult society. In the interim, we might have to choose between a lesser evil and continued kitsch and chaos, and essentially focus on training teachers to resist the temptation and systemic pressure to give up all higher goals for the sake of marks. 

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