Saturday, December 13, 2008

Corporate Delimitation Commission's

A Bangalore-based IT entrepreneur writes in the TOI “the spontaneous outpourings in our cities over the terror tragedy have shown, there is change in the air. As India's urban population steadily grows it will demand more local empowerment. And the implementation of the Delimitation Commission's recommendations will increase urban representatives in the state legislature. But these are small steps. Crises like the one we just witnessed shows how urgent empowering our city governments have become. 

We cannot keep our cities the centres of our economic growth, innovation and places where we can dissolve our caste and our past weakened and marginal in our politics. This imbalance has led to the decline we can see in every Indian city, the apathy made concrete in our crumbling roads, massive encroachments, and our chaotic, unplanned growth. Without local governments that answer directly to its civic citizens, urban India will be mauled again when the next crisis hits”. 

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