Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Beyond RED

Yesterday I read a new book called "Beyond RED an apostate on communism" by Kesavan Nair who was a practicing communist in the State of Kerala for long time.

This very slim book is not only thoroughly analyses and rejects all communists theory and practice but also shows through scientific analysis how the communists are DEAD against the very people.

The full book is available from here in the authors blog. The book was first published in the Malayalam language, however, the English version is as author says is rebirth of what is written originally in Malayalam.

This article reviews the English version of the book. It is enough to say that "P. Kesavan Nair closely analyses the nihility and blunders of Marxism through his book Marxism Communism".

It is a must read book. However there are few wrong notional analysis in the book, i consider it is the flop side of the book. 


  1. Thanks, Chandra: I think most of the book is a total mess, but still worth a read for those who are still besotted by communism in this day and age.

  2. Many thanks Sabhlok, I am glad that you liked the post, I fully agree with you.
