Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Who spoke what is letter matter, than what they did in decision making?

The new Food Minister of India tells, I spoke to this and that, but correctly admits that the NREGA is a crook which kills the labour productivity.

From his interview with ET: 
  • In my younger days the question was scarcity. In Kerala very often we got rice only one time of the year. For the rest of the time we had to manage with things like tapioca. From that period of scarcity now there is availability. No one questions the availability. 
  • Then comes the question of purchasing capacity. Purchasing capacity has increased, especially after the NREGA. Recently I went to Tamil Nadu. In one of the villages, sugarcane farmers said they are not getting agricultural labour because of NREGA. Kerala doesn’t have enough rubber tappers.  

To be sure, inflation has increased after the NREGA, subsidies, unlimited money printing, etc

1 comment:

  1. Seems to me that, somewhere food inflation is directly victimised by NREGA. There is nothing to be adhred about black money, weather disruptions, irregularity in agricultural marketing svhemes and system , hoarders and so on...
    Just remove nrega and get delicious meal for all the time....
