Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Naïve economists.....

If anyone talks about the nuts and bolds of “socialist policies of India's first three decades following independence” my mind simply goes to those days people’s standard of living and the kind of choice they had in that time is ringing like anything. This is ironic when Professor Arvind Panagariya writes in WSJ that “The socialist policies of India's first three decades following independence brought little relief to the poor, while the ad hoc liberalization of the 1980s followed by more systematic reforms subsequently have led to a significant cut in poverty rates.” 

By doing this he insult himself, the honest people, the analyst, the economy and everybody else as fool because the notorious notion of socialism has ruined our nation. 

I have no idea how Prof Arvind Panagariya says that “The socialist policies of India's first three decades following independence brought little relief to the poor..” 

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