Monday, May 25, 2009

The mega show of “uncivil” will kick start now….

So Indian Primer Political League is over. We all ready to watch a great drama of political gambles from Indian polity. 

Today’s parliamentary democracy in countries like India is more of “uncivil. In fact it is not at all surprise to see such behaviour from our elected representatives in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha as like others they consider we are in developing country. If any survey to find out how many members of parliament have really gone through the Peoples Representative Act will show you a dismal picture. 

Time and again this very “uncivil” behaviour and irresponsibility shown towards public is often interpreted as ‘norm’ than as a waste of public tax, time to useful debate etc. 

Even there is no serious debate on it to reform or dismantle such “uncivil” attitude in Indian polity. This very topic brings me attention to a writer who says the “..lack of interest in the speeches of others and the urge to put forward one's own views at any cost have become the staple of parliamentary procedure. It is difficult to say exactly when and how all this began. The aftermath of the Emergency was a kind of watershed. The general public has become inured to such incivility, and now it is by no means confined to Parliament or state legislatures. I have rarely witnessed a group discussion on television where at least three persons are not speaking, if not shouting at each other, at the same time.

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