GMU Professor Donald J. Boudreaux (cafehayek) writes in CSM that “The late Robert Heilbroner – a socialist for most of his life – admitted after the collapse of the Iron Curtain that socialism "was the tragic failure of the twentieth century. Born of a commitment to remedy the economic and moral defects of capitalism, it has far surpassed capitalism in both economic malfunction and moral cruelty."
Friday, October 31, 2008
Is Barack Obama really a socialist?
Milton Friedman’s extempore comments at the 1989 Hawaii conference: on India
This extempore may be one of the great comments on India Economy! It is worth to note few paragraphs.
"I think you have to distinguish sharply between a redistributive state and a regulatory state. I give you
If I might say, I have enormous sympathy with this view that it's the same old story. It is! Exactly, and that's what's distressing about it. It's a shame that in 40 years, there been no real major change in the structural characteristics of the Indian economy. That's the real tragedy."
Thomas Sowell Interview
There is a great Thomas Sowell interview in NRO. He discusses about many things with present
You Can't Be Half-Socialist
Few things that US citizens should keep in mind before voting quietly says Michael Reagan in Townhall “There's an old saying that you can't be half-socialist any more than you can be half-pregnant; get knocked up with a socialist fetus and you'll have to deliver a full-born Marxist. There's nothing inbetween. Try it, you'll like it, and if you don't, as the lads in the Gestapo used to tell people, they had ways to make them like it………. There's an old saying that you can't be half-socialist any more than you can be half-pregnant; get knocked up with a socialist fetus and you'll have to deliver a full-born Marxist. There's nothing inbetween. Try it, you'll like it, and if you don't, as the lads in the Gestapo used to tell people, they had ways to make them like it.”
Obama Win Would Be Historic Tragedy
Economist Thomas Sowell says that “Some elections are routine, some are important, and some are historic. If Sen. John McCain wins this election, it probably will go down in history as routine. But if Sen. Barack Obama wins, it is more likely to be historic — and catastrophic…………The economies of China and India began to take off into high rates of growth when they got rid of precisely the kinds of policies that Obama is advocating for the United States under the magic mantra of change.”
Air Traffic or Dog House
Suhel Seth writes in ET “States in
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Economists hunt their own wood items
Arvind Panagariya, writes in ET “Total revenues of the industry have grown from Rs 60 billion in 2004 to Rs 96 billion in 2007. This represents an annual growth of 17% in nominal terms…… Despite this transformation, one feature of Bollywood films has remained omnipresent: the item number. From Cuckoo and Helen to Bindu and Padma Khanna to Mallika Sherawat and Rakhi Sawant, the item girl has remained an indispensable ingredient in Indian films. Indeed, it has grown in respect so that even superstar actresses such as Madhuri Dixit and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan now contribute their own item numbers! ”
He met and danced with Edwina Ashley at the old Viceregal Lodge. They sat out the fifth dance, he then married.
MEGHNAD DESAI writes in Outlook “The best of the lot is a short memoir by Mountbatten who writes of his first visit to
Adiga's White Tiger
In In Guardian he says that, “See the Muslims have one god. The Christians have three gods. And we Hindus have 36,000,000 gods. Making a grand total of 36,000,004 divine arses for me to choose from. Now there are some, and I don't just mean Communists like you, but thinking men of all political parties, who think that not many of these gods actually exist”.
The Leon C. and June W. Holt Lecture Delivered by Jagdish Bhagwati
The Leon C. and June W. Holt Lecture in International Law Delivered by Jagdish Bhagwati, University Professor in Economics at
JOSEPH STIGLITZ says in Time that “Capitalism may be the best economic system that man has come up with, but no one ever said it would create stability. In fact, over the past 30 years, market economies have faced more than 100 crises. That is why I and many other economists believe that government regulation and oversight are an essential part of a functioning market economy. Without them, there will continue to be frequent severe economic crises in different parts of the world. The market on its own is not enough. Government must play a role”.
The world dream of free trade and unilateralism in classical term may not be unfettered.
Hunting Free Trade
Paul Krugman says in Newsweek interview that the “World trade is already so free, we're really talking about stuff at the margins”.
Poverty of ISRO!
Tunku Varadarajan says in TOI that “the Rig Veda, a sacred Hindu text that dates back some 4,000 years: “O Moon! We should be able to know you through our intellect/ you enlighten us through the right path.”
Vote for nothing
Abhishek Singhvi says in TOI that “the best constitutional model for governance in
Mass may be safer
Rama Bijapurkar writes in ET that “there are
2008 Bastiat Prize winners
The 2008 Bastiat Prize for Journalism wins Barton Hinkle.
Path to nowhere leads to success
See the other post here
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
There is no such thing as future in history?
The unusual writings often book review by A G Noorani is quite interesting one in which he says that the “progression to the twentieth century historian’s views and approved practice. In this scene it was possible to write ‘The History of History’.”
And a essay on "Above the law" he writes "In no other democracy governed by the rule of law does such a rule exist. In India, it has not been laid down by a law enacted by Parliament, but by a narrow majority (3-2) of the Bench that heard the case".
Review of the White Tiger
UMA MAHADEVAN-DASGUPTA review may be the best review of "The White Tiger" Book that won 2008 Booker Prize.
Planners destroyed cities
Yoginder K. Alagh writes in Indian Express with less concern that “the urban pessimists in
Change of Course in present financial crisis
Romain Rancière, Aaron Tornell and Frank Westermann argue in Mint that “The $700 billion bailout bill is equivalent to 5% of gross domestic product (GDP). Adding to it the cost of other rescues—Bear Stearns Companies Inc., Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, AIG—the total cost could go up to $1,400 billion, which is around 10% of GDP. In contrast,
Government Produces More AIDS in India
The Economist Book Review says that “
Chinese rights in terms of property and economic miracle
Professor Deepak Lal writes in BS “Bureaucrats become capitalists with the right set of incentives”
You Dare!
Half of the time, Indian new papers and the so called journalists work with bogged minds and thoughts in front of the people of this country no matter which thoughts or idea are imported and exported from
Monday, October 27, 2008
Murray N. Rothbard on “Greenspan's still in his heaven”
An panel on India: The Emerging Giant
Here is a panel discussion on new book on Indian economy by Arvind Paragariya.
Arvind Panagariya, Jagdish Bhagwati, and Tunku Varadarajan, moderated by ProfessorSreenath Sreenivasan
State has its own perils
In Forbes Oxford Analytica writes the “Supporters of the current federal interventions in the marketplace defend it as "government action to free the markets"--an idea that even conservative economists such as Friedrich Hayek or Milton Friedman might have accepted”.
In addition What Mises said also valid.
“The appearance of periodically recurring economic crises is the necessary consequence of repeatedly renewed attempts to reduce the 'natural' rates of interest on the market by means of banking policy. The crises will never disappear so long as men have not learned to avoid such pump-priming, because an artificially stimulated boom must inevitably lead to crisis and depression....
All attempts to emerge from the crisis by new interventionist measures are completely misguided. There is only one way out of the crisis: Forgo every attempt to prevent the impact of market prices on production. Give up the pursuit of policies which seek to establish interest rates, wage rates and commodity prices different from those the market indicates. This may contradict the prevailing view. It certainly is not popular. Today all governments and political parties have full confidence in interventionism and it is not likely that they will abandon their program. However, it is perhaps not too optimistic to assume that those governments and parties whose policies have led to this crisis will some day disappear from the stage and make way for men whose economic program leads, not to destruction and chaos, but to economic development and progress”.
USA: Greed and Cunning Reap
Writing in ET George Thomas says that “One thing should be kept in mind. Edmund Burke once said: "Folly alone cannot wholly ruin an established empire. Cunning must come to its aid". There seems too much of cunning in the post-globalisation era”.
Theodore Roosevelt, Pundit
Q. “Colonel,” then. Do you think the Congress elected two years ago as a foil to the Bush administration has fulfilled its mandate?
A. I am heartsick over the delay, the blundering, the fatuous and complacent inefficiency and the effort to substitute glittering rhetoric for action.
Q. Do you blame the House Democratic majority?
A. A goodly number of senators, even of my own party, have shown about as much backbone as so many angleworms.
Q. I hope that doesn’t include the pair running for the presidency! What do you think of Senator John McCain? He often cites you as a role model.
A. He is evidently a man who takes color from his surroundings.
Q. Weren’t you just as unpredictable in your time?
A. (laughing) They say that nothing is as independent as a hog on ice. If he doesn’t want to stand up, he can lie down.
Q. Mr. McCain has always prided himself on his independence. At least, until he began to take direction from chief executives and retired generals —
A. But the signs now are that these advisers have themselves awakened to the fact that they have almost ruined him.
Q. Does his vow to give Joe the Plumber a tax break remind you of Reaganomics?
A. This is merely the plan, already tested and found wanting, of giving prosperity to the big men on top, and trusting to their mercy to let something leak through to the mass of their countrymen below — which, in effect, means that there shall be no attempt to regulate the ferocious scramble in which greed and cunning reap the largest rewards.
Q. In Washington today, Colonel, you’re increasingly seen as the father of centralized, executive, regulatory control.
A. Great corporations exist only because they are created and safeguarded by our institutions; and it is therefore our right and duty to see that they work in harmony with these institutions.
Q. Especially now that we’ve seen the end of another age of laissez-faire economics?
A. These new conditions make it necessary to shackle cunning, as in the past we have shackled force. The vast individual and corporate fortunes, the vast combinations of capital —
Q. Even vaster in your day! John D. Rockefeller was richer than Bill Gates, dollar for dollar.
A. Quite right. (He dislikes being interrupted.) And please, let this now be as much of a monologue as possible.
Q. Excuse me, you were saying that vast combinations of capital ...
A. ... create new conditions, and necessitate a change from the old attitude of the state and the nation toward the rules regulating the acquisition and untrammeled business use of property.
Q. So you approve of the federal bailout?
A. I think we have got to face the fact that such an increase in governmental control is now necessary.
Q. Should we condone the huge severance packages paid to executives of rescued corporations?
A. There is need in business, as in most other forms of human activity, of the great guiding intelligences. Their places cannot be supplied by any number of lesser intelligences. It is a good thing that they should have ample recognition, ample reward. But we must not transfer our admiration to the reward instead of to the deed rewarded; and if what should be the reward exists without the service having been rendered, then admiration will come only from those who are mean of soul.
Q. So we should withhold our envy of Richard Fuld, the chairman of Lehman Brothers, for taking home half a billion before his company went down?
A. Envy and arrogance are the two opposite sides of the same black crystal.
Q. Extraordinary image, Colonel. What’s your impression of Barack Obama?
A. Unless I am greatly mistaken, the people have made up their mind that they wish some new instrument.
Q. You’re not afraid that he’s primarily a man of words? Like Woodrow Wilson, whom you once called a “Byzantine logothete”?
A. It is highly desirable that a leader of opinion in a democracy should be able to state his views clearly and convincingly.
Q. Not Mr. McCain’s strong point!
A. Some excellent public servants have not the gift at all, and must rely upon their deeds to speak for them; and unless the oratory does represent genuine conviction, based on good common sense and able to be translated into efficient performance, then the better the oratory the greater the damage to the public it deceives.
Q. Mr. McCain might argue that his life of service and suffering is eloquence enough. Have you read his autobiography?
A. I should like to have it circulated as a tract among an immense multitude of philanthropists, congressmen, newspaper editors, publicists, softheaded mothers and other people of sorts who think that life ought to consist of perpetual shrinking from effort, danger and pain.
Q. Has Mr. Obama not suffered too? Not at the heroic level of Mr. McCain, but in transcending centuries of race prejudice to become a viable presidential candidate — only to be nearly stopped by Hillary Clinton!
A. I think that he has learned some bitter lessons, and that independently of outside pressure he will try to act with greater firmness, and to look at things more from the standpoint of the interests of the people, and less from that of a technical lawyer —
Q. “Technical,” Colonel? He took his law degree straight onto the streets of
A. He may and probably will turn out to be a perfectly respectable president, whose achievements will be disheartening compared with what we had expected, but who nevertheless will have done well enough to justify us in renominating him — for you must remember that to renominate him would be a very serious thing, only to be justified by really strong reasons.
Q. He doesn’t have Mr. McCain’s foreign policy experience. As president, how would he personify us around the world?
A. It always pays for a nation to be a gentleman.
Q. There’ll be Joe Biden to counsel him, of course. Assuming Mr. Obama can keep track of what he’s saying.
A. (laughing) You can’t nail marmalade against a wall.
Q. Talking of foreign policy, what do you think of Mr. McCain’s choice of a female running mate?
A. Times have changed (sigh). It is entirely inexcusable, however, to try to combine the unready hand with the unbridled tongue.
Q. How will you feel if Sarah Palin is elected?
A. I shall feel exactly the way a very small frog looks when it swallows a beetle the size of itself, with extremely stiff legs.
Q. What’s your impression of President Bush these days?
A. (suddenly serious) He looks like Judas, but unlike that gentleman has no capacity for remorse.
Q. Is that the best you can say of him?
A. I wish him well, but I wish him well at a good distance from me.
Q. One last question, Colonel. If you were campaigning now, would you still call yourself a Republican?
A. (after a long pause) No.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pet python
Python story in India and US!
Pet python blamed in Virginia Beach woman's strangulation
"Since 1980, at least 11 people have been killed by pet pythons in the United States, according to Beth Preiss, director of the U.S. Humane Society's exotic pets campaign. Two years ago, an Ohio man was killed when his 13-foot boa constrictor coiled around his neck. A man in Indiana also died that year after a 14-foot python constricted around his upper body.
The tiger reticulated python is native to Southeast Asia and typically grows to 12 to 15 feet, said Stephanie Kokosinski, herpetology curator at the Virginia Living Museum in Newport News. People with little experience handling snakes shouldn't look to adopt those pythons, she said".
see also in Pune
The sad demise of life in freedom
Scandal Socialist Economics Professors
Professor G S Bhalla writes in BS “but in times of crisis, it is only Keynesian remedies that are likely to work.” If it is that why it has not worked over last fifty years to improve the lives of the people of this country or any other developing country?
Don’t set society is your home!
DIPANKAR GUPTA writes in TOI “We have to decide what kind of society we want before we let loose the market……………When one plans for society, one plans for the long run” true but it may not be true what he says that “The muscular sprinter is useless when it comes to running uphill, as only a marathon specialist can. If one were to think long distance then policies that fundamentally encourage equality need to be at the base of every political decision. Nietzsche once said that if a priest and a convict were made to climb mountains they would end up as equals. They would both be exhausted.
Book Review: Cardinal Discovery of Incentive Economics
This is my book review of Tyler Cowen book on “Discover Your Inner Economist: Use Incentives to Fall in Love, Survive Your Next Meeting, and Motivate Your Dentist”.
My Review: Cardinal Discovery of Incentive Economics
Premise of F A Hayek and Demise of Keynes harming ideas
Sunanda K Datta writes in Business Standard “Let’s replace the chair then for Keynes while relegating Marx to the library shelves of unread books”. Even the world will have no rule book to become a better place without the works of F A Hayek.
Is it due to that?
The bubble of blame game is the one which is constant in politician mind, no matter whether it will bust before the election or after the election.
After all everyone wants to become Out of the Bubble
I read many articles about the present world financial crisis but the one which economist and Nobel Laureate VERNON L. SMITH wrote in Wall Street journal is quite an interesting one he says that “The housing disaster-in-motion was widely reported, complete with warnings, before the crash. But every word fell on deaf ears, because bubbles are never about reason, cool calculation and courageous politicians willing to risk defeat”.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Government crisis
Arjun K. Sengupta writes in Hindu, “ardent market fundamentalists now recognise that markets often fail” so the “governments have to correct the markets equitably and efficiently..which policymakers often do not, because of their reluctance to give up orthodox market solutions” which is the real nonsense to argue.
The response of public intervention in a situation of market failure must be designed in such a way that attacks the problem at its roots. The government should use all its instruments with a clear objective. In the current situation the primary objective is to increase the confidence of all market participants in our potential for growth”.
No matter
It may be good to get this new amendment in land acquisition law but with out the private property rights it will go long way to provide basic rights to people of this country.
As an example, the authors
In Hindu there is an article by Philip G. Altbach & N. Jayaram, they writes about Indian educational system and the aim of building world class universities, they say it is virtually impossible. According to the Ministry of Human Resource Development, the total Central Universities are 20 (not 18) and According to the Planning Commission the total universities are 378 (not 348). For an example how authors are ignorant of recent change.
Confused Ideas
Pratap Bhanu Mehta writes in Indian Express that “Societies cannot be held together only by coercion (state) or money (markets). Something more is required. In a broader sense, it requires internalisation of norms and values that set limits on what can be bought and sold……….Again, paradoxically, market societies need an even stronger idea that our professional norms are not something that can be always sacrificed to calculations of interest. But if a society sends signals that only incentives matter, it will undermine its own foundations”.
Professor Alfred C. Stepan Identity of Tamils
Profesor Alfred C Stepan says in his interview in Indian Express, that “Now look at Tamil Nadu. Our 50,000-persons survey of the five countries of
Thomas Sowell, the economist and political philosopher
Peter Robinson writes in Forbes “Thomas Sowell, the economist and political philosopher. He prefers an older way of looking at American politics--a much older way. In his classic 1987 work, A Conflict of Visions, Sowell identifies two competing worldviews, or visions, that have underlain the Western political tradition for centuries.
Sowell calls one worldview the "constrained vision." It sees human nature as flawed or fallen, seeking to make the best of the possibilities that exist within that constraint. The competing worldview, which Sowell terms the "unconstrained vision," instead sees human nature as capable of continual improvement”.