Friday, July 31, 2009

Hey let’s have Choices in Currency

This is the age of controlism or monopoly-raj as for as monetary policy is concerns just see is there any one talk about free market’s concepts of ‘choices in currency’ in India forget about the idea to implementation.

Of course, there are few who talks about the reforming of RBI which is stood for saving India in the on going world financial crisis. But the folks failed to realize how they have damaged the freedom of millions of poor in the course of saying RBI saved India, which actually not the true case in India. I mean the financial institutions regulations.

Ajay Shah is one those guys who at least advocate reforming RBI that in “International comparisons show that RBI is one of the least transparent central banks in the world. In the recent decade, most central banks have made progress towards greater transparency, but RBI has not. RBI scores near the bottom in international tables in terms of either the level or the change in transparency. China, Pakistan and Bangladesh all have better scores than RBI on transparency, and have made progress on increasing transparency in the last decade (while RBI has not).”

However, I am 100 percent suspicious of what Ajay says “There is now a consensus in India that every government agency must be subject to stringent transparency and accountability requirements”.

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